tailieunhanh - Games That Boost Performance phần 4

Để nhắc nhở các đội để suy nghĩ thông qua quá trình thay đổi. • Để reenergize một nhóm với một hoạt động não nhanh chóng. • Để chứng minh kỹ năng tư duy quan trọng được sử dụng trong việc giải quyết vấn đề | TEAM LinG - Live Informative Non-cost and Genuine Double Play PURPOSE To prompt teams to think through the process of change. To reenergize a group with a quick brainstorming activity. To demonstrate critical thinking skills used in problem solving. GAME OBJECTIVE To score the most team points. PLAYERS Nine to thirty. TIME Thirty to sixty minutes. SUPPLIES Five worksheets and pencils or pens for each team. An overhead projector if using transparencies or newsprint and felt-tipped markers for posting word pairs and solutions. Double Play 97 TEAM LinG - Live Informative Non-cost and Genuine Stopwatch or timing device. Noisemaker optional . PREPARATION Select five word pairs see Double Play Sample Word Changes list for examples . Write each pair of words on one Worksheet. Prepare enough sets of the five Worksheets so that each team will receive a set. GAME PLAY 1. Divide the group into teams of three to five players. 2. Distribute one set of Worksheets to each team. 3. Explain that teams will have 7 minutes to transform in a series of word changes one letter for each word change as many pairs of words as possible. Rules of the Word Change Each acceptable word change costs the team one change. Only one letter may be changed at a time as follows Changing one letter in place bale to balk . Drop one letter add one letter foil to file . Anagram rearrange word order silo to soil . All words must have the same number of letters. All words must be found in a desktop dictionary. Present an example Change WORD-to-WISE WORD-wore-wire-WISE 4. Begin play. 5. Call time after 7 minutes. 6. Collect one set of Worksheets from each team. 98 Games That Boost Performance TEAM LinG - Live Informative Non-cost and Genuine