tailieunhanh - 1001 Things You Wanted To Know About Visual FoxPro phần 4

Tham khảo tài liệu '1001 things you wanted to know about visual foxpro phần 4', công nghệ thông tin, kỹ thuật lập trình phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Chapter 4 Basic Controls 125 FUNCTION RefreshPage This is a template method akin to RefreshForm If you need to refresh this page put code here instead of in Refresh WITH This .SetAll Enabled .lReadOnly ENDWITH ENDFUNC ENDDEFINE It seems that the class definition of the page frame is intrinsically linked to its contained pages at instantiation. We created a little page frame builder in an attempt to add our custom pages to the page frame at design time. It appeared to work until we tried to run the form. Then to our surprise the snazzy new custom pages we had just added had been replaced by Visual FoxPro base class pages for no apparent reason The reason becomes apparent if you open an SCX file containing a page frame as a table and browse it. There is no record for any of the pages in the page frame and therefore no means for the page frame to determine which class to base its pages on. Instead the properties field for the page frame object defines all the properties for its contained pages. Another interesting point is that after running our builder the properties field of the page frame referenced those pages by the names that we had given them and showed them as being our custom pages But when we looked at this same form in the form designer the property sheet listed the pages as base class pages with the default names Page1 Page2 and so on. Incidentally the same appears to be true for Grids and their Columns. While you can specify custom headers for columns and any control you like for inclusion in a column grids always instantiate the actual columns directly from the Visual FoxPro base class. If you would like to see this behavior for yourself just run the program that is included with the sample code for this chapter. Set the number of pages in the page frame to some number greater than zero and run the builder. When the browse window appears fill in the names and captions of your choice. Close and save the form. When you do .