tailieunhanh - 1001 Things You Wanted To Know About Visual FoxPro phần 2

1. Giới thiệu về hệ quản trị cơ sở dữ liệu visual Foxpro 2. Thao tác với bảng dữ liệu 3. Xắp sếp, tìm kiếm thống kê 4. Lập trình trên visual Foxpro 5. Forms 6. Reports 7. Tạo menu và quản lí đề án | 38 1001 Things You Always Wanted to Know About Visual FoxPro Program. nthSomeDayOfMonth Compiler. Visual FoxPro for Windows Abstract. Returns the date of a specific type of day . the . second Tuesday in November of the year 2001 . nthSomedayOfMonth 4 3 7 2000 returns the date of . the 3rd Wednesday in July of the year 2000 Parameters. tnDayNum Day number 1 Sunday 7 Saturday . tnWhich Which one to find 1st 2nd etc. . If tnwhich the number of this kind of day . in the month the last one is returned . tnMonth Month Number in which to find the day . tnYear Year in which to find the day FUNCTION nthSomedayOfMonth tnDayNum tnWhich tnMonth tnYear LOCAL ldDate lnCnt Start at the first day of the specified month ldDate DATE tnYear tnMonth 01 Find the first one of the specified day of the week DO WHILE DOW ldDate tnDayNum ldDate ldDate 1 ENDDO Find the specified one of 2nd 3rd or last IF tnWhich 1 lnCnt 1 DO WHILE lnCnt tnWhich lnCnt lnCnt 1 Move forward one week to get the next one of these in the month ldDate ldDate 7 Are we are still in the correct month IF MONTH ldDate tnMonth If not jump back to the last one of these we found and exit ldDate ldDate - 7 EXIT ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF RETURN ldDate Setting up a payment schedule Another interesting problem is that of setting up a monthly schedule. Take for example a schedule of monthly payments to be collected via direct debit of a debtor s checking account. Obviously these payments cannot be collected on Sundays or holidays. They also cannot be collected earlier than the day specified when the schedule is first set up. This poses some interesting problems if the initial seed date for the schedule is between the 28th and the 31st of the month. So in this case simply using the GOMONTH function may return an unacceptable date. This function handles weekends holidays and GOMONTH and assumes that you have created your holiday table with two columns one for the date and one for the name of the Chapter 2 .