tailieunhanh - Beginning Ajax with PHP From Novice to Professional phần 2

Tham khảo tài liệu 'beginning ajax with php from novice to professional phần 2', công nghệ thông tin, kỹ thuật lập trình phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | 8 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCING AJAX The means to use the XMLHttpRequest has been prevalent as far back as 1998 and web browsers such as Internet Explorer 4 have possessed the capability to make use of Ajax even back then albeit not without some configuration woes . Long before the browser you are likely using right now was developed it was quite possible to make use of JavaScript to handle your server-side requests instantaneously from a client-side point of view. However if we are talking about the widespread use of Ajax as a concept not a technology then yes it is quite a new revelation in the Internet community. Web developers of all kinds have finally started coming around to the fact that not all requests to the server have to be done in the same way. In some respects Ajax has opened the minds of millions of web developers who were simply too caught up in convention to see beyond the borders of what is possible. Please do not consider me a pioneer in this respect either I was one of them. Why Ajax Is Catching Fire Now So if this technology has existed for so long why is it only becoming so popular now It is hard to say exactly why it caught fire in the first place or who is to really be credited for igniting the fire under its widespread fame. Many developers will argue over Gmail and its widespread availability or Jesse James Garrett for coining the term and subsequently giving people something to call the concept but the true success of Ajax I believe lies more in the developers than in those who are using it. Consider industries such as accounting. For years accountants used paper spreadsheets and old-fashioned mathematics to organize highly complex financials. Then with the advent of computers things changed. A new way of deploying their services suddenly existed and the industry ceased to remain the way it once was. Sure standards from the old way still hold true to this day but so much more has been added and new ways of doing business have been created. Ajax .