tailieunhanh - Population Ageing, Elderly Welfare, and Extending Retirement Cover: The Case Study of Sri Lanka

Community health centers in partnership with skilled nursing facilities build on an existing continuum of care and create caring and competent communities. Partnerships with skilled nursing facilities can be financially rewarding, improve organizational reputations, and enhance the overall capabilities of the health center and its staff. Beyond partnering with SNFs some health centers may also choose to own and operate a SNF in their community. The level of regulation and very different nature of SNF business mean that health centers should approach this level of involvement with caution | Population Ageing Elderly Welfare and Extending Retirement Cover The Case Study of Sri Lanka Nirosha Gaminiratne Economic and Statistics Analysis Unit April 2004 ESAU Working Paper 3 Overseas Development Institute London The Economics and Statistics Analysis Unit has been established by DFID to undertake research analysis and synthesis mainly by seconded DFID economists statisticians and other professionals which advances understanding of the processes of poverty reduction and pro-poor growth in the contemporary global context and of the design and implementation of policies that promote these objectives. ESAU s mission is to make research conclusions available to DFID and to diffuse them in the wider development community ISBN 0 85003 698 4 Economics and Statistics Analysis Unit Overseas Development Institute 111 Westminster Bridge Road London SE1 7JD Overseas Development Institute 2004 All rights reserved. Readers may quote from or reproduce this paper but as copyright holder ODI requests due acknowledgement. ii Contents Acronyms vi Executive Summary vii Context of Research vii Research Questions vii Key findings viii Conclusion xi Chapter 1 Ageing Development Economic Effects and Policy Responses 1 Introduction 1 Global Population Developments 1 Determinants of demographic change 1 Pace of ageing 2 South Asia demographic profile 3 Ageing and dependency levels 4 . Economic effects of ageing 6 Policy Responses to Population Ageing 9 Forecasting economic dependency levels 11 Economic dependency and economic growth 14 Conclusion 15 Chapter 2 A Socio Economic Profile of the Elderly 17 The importance of retirement income 17 Constructing a socio economic profile of the elderly 18 Labour force trends by age 19 Sources of income and income distribution 27 Quintile analysis and poverty incidence 33 Social indicators of elderly welfare 41 Conclusions 43 Chapter 3 Retirement Systems - Adequacy Coverage