The lives of many older people are more frequently negatively affected by the social and economic insecurity that accompany the demographic and developmental process (World Bank, 1994). The growth of individualism and desire for the independence and autonomy of the young generation (Serow, 2001) affect the status of the elderly. The studies show that the socioeconomic condition of older women is more vulnerable in the context of the demographic and sociocultural change (Tout, 1993). The condition of elderly poverty has been a consistent phenomenon in the Third World as the older population is deprived of the basic needs (Keyfitz. | LIVING ARRANGEMENTS OF OLDER PERSONS AND FAMILY SUPPORT IN LESS DEVELOPED COUNTRIES1 Jay Sokolovsky Now here is a story to show you how things have changed and what the young think of the old these days. After they married 35-year-old Slobodan and his wife moved into the small house of his parents near the centre of Belgrad the capital city of Yugoslavia. When the younger couple started having children they began taking over more of the limited space in the dwelling. By the time Slobodan s wife had their third child his mother was dead and his 74-year-old father Zvonko was becoming frail. Slobodan requested that his father give up his larger bedroom to him and his wife. As his children grew Slobodan haphazardly built a tiny room onto the house and encouraged the father to move into this new space which he did. Eventually although he was still able to take care of himself Zvonko was asked by the son to move into a large new residential complex for pensioners on the outskirts of the city. Two years passed and the father died. A month later Slobodan receives a call from the director of the residence for the elderly asking when he and his family are moving out of the house. Puzzled Slobodan inquired why the director should ask such a crazy question. He was then informed that Zvonko had been so appreciative of how he was treated at the residence that he had deeded his house to the facility for its use. Story told to Jay Sokolovsky while studying residential homes for the elderly in Croatia and Serbia from 1983 to 1985. Introduction Discourses of neglect It was intriguing to hear this story in a country where care of the elderly by their children is constitutionally mandated. Interestingly enough similar tales of forsaking the aged can be found in such divergent places as Japan among foraging peoples of Botswana rural villagers in Kenya and both rural and urban populations in India. These discourses of neglect as some have labelled them Cattell 1997b Rosenberg 1997 act .