tailieunhanh - Autistic Spectrum Disorders - part 7

Mỗi ngày trong lớp học bà Brown Đặt con ngừng làm việc. Khi bà Brown nói: "STOP 'tất cả các trẻ em dừng lại và lắng nghe. Dừng Khi được hỏi IS rất quan trọng. Điều này sẽ làm cho bà Brown rất hạnh phúc. Tôi sẽ cố gắng để nhớ để ngăn chặn công việc của tôi ngay khi bà Brown cho biết: 'STOP'. | Autistic Spectrum Disorders Social Stories Stopping my work Every day in class Mrs Brown asks the children to stop working. When Mrs Brown says stop all the children stop and listen. Stopping when asked is very important. This will make Mrs Brown very happy. I will try to remember to stop my work as soon as Mrs Brown says StOp . 76 Social Stories Billy s story A fire extinguisher is red and black. Fire extinguishers are in the shops. Fire extinguishers put out fires. They will not hurt me. I will try and hold Mum s hand and walk past the fire extinguisher in the shop. General strategies 77 Autistic Spectrum Disorders 2. Circle of friends Social Contacts Circle of friends is a programme for children who have difficulties making friends. It is a map of a child s social contacts. It shows the support available from the immediate family the advocates of the child then friends and best friends. A child with social difficulties may well have no one in the outside ring and perhaps only one or two if that in the friends rings. Mapping a child s circle of friends can be helpful. The map can be shared with the class by drawing it on the board and photos and pictures attached. Children are asked to volunteer to be in the child s circle. They will greet the child be friendly and helpful and act as mentors or buddies . A meeting can be held once a week to decide what was good or difficult about being a friend what went wrong and how to make changes next week to improve things. The goal is to create a situation in which everyone learns and friendship develops. Figure Circle of friends 1 _ XX- - -X child close family close friends If i i-T 1---- pupils in school other children Illi j fcr ----- school staff and professionals involved with the child neighbours and other adults known to the family officials unknown to the child strangers The circle of friends map can be used to show levels of contact from intimate to increasingly distant. Relating contacts to levels can .