tailieunhanh - Wrox’s Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition Starter Kit phần 6

Bây giờ bạn có thể kiểm tra DataView để xác định xem liệu có bất kỳ trận đấu. Nếu có nhiều hơn không, sau đó bạn biết rằng có chỉ có một (vì trường ID là duy nhất). Tạo một lớp người mới và cư trú trong các tài sản với các trường tương ứng từ cơ sở dữ liệu. | Getting into the World Area 3 Internet Explorer displays the actual content of the web page in this area. You can retrieve this information in your program through the Document and DocumentText properties. DocumentText is a String property that returns the entire web page as a string of text including the HTML tags and attributes. It s useful for storing the HTML for later use. Document returns an HTMLDocument object that is then used to process the content of the web page itself. Area 4 Area 3 Area 2 Area 1 Figure 9-1 Area 4 One valuable aspect of browsing the web with a browser such as Internet Explorer is the feedback you are provided as the page loads. The status bar is constantly updated with information about the page being loaded and displayed. StatusText is a String property in the WebBrowser control that enables your program to retrieve that information and display it yourself. WebBrowser Methods The methods exposed by the WebBrowser control give you programmatic access to the common actions that can be performed in Internet Explorer. In Chapter 1 you used the Navigate method to tell the web browser object to load a particular URL. The Navigate method is actually overloaded which means that there is more than one way of calling it. In this case Navigate provides three different functions 171 Chapter 9 Navigate URL Tells the WebBrowser control to load the page located at the specified URL. Navigate URL TargetFrame Does the same as the default Navigate method but specifies a section of the currently loaded page to contain the results of the navigation. This can be useful if you know how the HTML document is structured internally and you want to populate only certain sections of the page with the new information. Navigate URL NewWindow This version of Navigate is likely to be the least used. It starts up a new instance of Internet Explorer and loads the page in that instead of your own application s web browser object. The other methods of the WebBrowser you