tailieunhanh - Visual Basic 6 Black Book phần 6

Hình 14,10 Sử dụng điều khiển hình dạng để điều khiển các nhóm khác. Bạn cũng có thể thiết lập chiều rộng của các hình dạng bản vẽ phù hợp với tài sản BorderWidth và điền vào các hình dạng bằng cách sử dụng FillColor và thuộc tính FillStyle. | Visual Basic 6 Black Book Working With Graphics Arial SSimpo PDFMergennd Split Unregistered Version - http End Sub Which Fonts Are Available You can also determine which fonts are available for either screen or printer by checking the Fonts property of the Visual Basic Printer and Screen objects. This property holds an array 0-based of the available font s names note that this collection is not a collection of Font objects . Here s an example. To see all the fonts available on your display using Visual Basic you can loop over all fonts in the Screen object the total number of fonts is stored in the FontCount property and display the font names in message boxes this way note that this code may display a lot of message boxes Private Sub Command1_Click Dim intLoopIndex As Integer For intLoopIndex 0 To MsgBox intLoopIndex Next intLoopIndex End Sub TIP You can format text when you print it to forms picture boxes or the Printer object by determining its width and height and you do that with the TextWidth and TextHeight methods. Drawing Lines You draw lines in forms and picture boxes with the Line method Step x1 y1 Step x2 y2 color B F Here are the arguments you pass to Line Step Keyword specifying that the starting point coordinates are relative to the current graphics position given by the CurrentX and CurrentY properties. x1 y1 Single values indicating the coordinates of the starting point for the line or rectangle. The ScaleMode property determines the unit of measure used. If omitted the line begins at the position indicated by CurrentX and CurrentY. Step Keyword specifying that the end point coordinates are relative to the line starting point. x2 y2 Single values indicating the coordinates of the end point for the line being drawn. color Long integer value indicating the RGB color used to draw the line. If omitted the ForeColor property setting is used. You can use the RGB function or QBColor .