tailieunhanh - Chapter 13 – Specific Attacks

There are generally two reasons someone is attacked You are specifically targeted Company with money Company with secrets Revenge “hacktivist” Hard to stop You are a target of opportunity Low hanging fruit Script Kiddies Most common, make yourself less easy (more) | Security+ All-In-One Edition Chapter 13 – Specific Attacks Brian E. Brzezicki Attacks Attacks Overview (391) There are generally two reasons someone is attacked You are specifically targeted Company with money Company with secrets Revenge “hacktivist” Hard to stop You are a target of opportunity Low hanging fruit Script Kiddies Most common, make yourself less easy (more) Steps in an Attack (392) Any good hacker will take a few common steps to attack a site these can generally be ordered from 1-4 Reconnaissance – learn about the company in general Scanning – scan the network and learn about the network Ping sweeps Port scans Banner grabs Os fingerprinting (see later slide) (more) Steps in an attack (392) 3. Research Vulnerabilities – now that we know what software is running and hopefully the version. Figure out what it attacks it might be vulnerable to nessus is a good tool Security mailing lists (bugtraq) and sites 4. Performing the attack Minimizing Attacks (394) Often you are . | Security+ All-In-One Edition Chapter 13 – Specific Attacks Brian E. Brzezicki Attacks Attacks Overview (391) There are generally two reasons someone is attacked You are specifically targeted Company with money Company with secrets Revenge “hacktivist” Hard to stop You are a target of opportunity Low hanging fruit Script Kiddies Most common, make yourself less easy (more) Steps in an Attack (392) Any good hacker will take a few common steps to attack a site these can generally be ordered from 1-4 Reconnaissance – learn about the company in general Scanning – scan the network and learn about the network Ping sweeps Port scans Banner grabs Os fingerprinting (see later slide) (more) Steps in an attack (392) 3. Research Vulnerabilities – now that we know what software is running and hopefully the version. Figure out what it attacks it might be vulnerable to nessus is a good tool Security mailing lists (bugtraq) and sites 4. Performing the attack Minimizing Attacks (394) Often you are going to be attacked by “script-kiddies” the easiest way to protect against them is simply make their job hard and they’ll move on somewhere else. Make sure OS and Apps are up to date with patches Turn off and remove un-necessary services and software Run a host based firewall Don’t display information in service banners Don’t provide any information about your network/systems publically Terms (398) Trapdoor – a method usually put into an OS or application that allows the software developers to bypass security controls for the purpose of debugging or troubleshooting. Backdoor – A program installed into a compromised computer to allow hackers to access the machine Example: Back Orifice, NetBus (more) Terms (413) Root kit – a program installed on a compromised system to hide a hackers tracks and help them to maintain continued access to a machine DoS DoS (394) What is a DOS? Which of the CIA triad does it attempt to affect. How does it work? Buffer overflows Protocol violations Brute Force