tailieunhanh - Chapter 068. Hematopoietic Stem Cells (Part 4)

Hierarchy of hematopoietic differentiation. Stem cells are multipotent cells that are the source of all descendant cells and have the capacity to provide either long-term (measured in years) or short-term (measured in months) cell production. Progenitor cells have a more limited spectrum of cells they can produce and are generally a short-lived, highly proliferative population also known as transient amplifying cells. Precursor cells are cells committed to a single blood cell lineage but with a continued ability to proliferate; they do not have all the features of a fully mature cell. Mature cells are the terminally differentiated product of. | Chapter 068. Hematopoietic Stem Cells Part 4 Hierarchy of hematopoietic differentiation. Stem cells are multipotent cells that are the source of all descendant cells and have the capacity to provide either long-term measured in years or short-term measured in months cell production. Progenitor cells have a more limited spectrum of cells they can produce and are generally a short-lived highly proliferative population also known as transient amplifying cells. Precursor cells are cells committed to a single blood cell lineage but with a continued ability to proliferate they do not have all the features of a fully mature cell. Mature cells are the terminally differentiated product of the differentiation process and are the effector cells of specific activities of the blood and immune system. Progress through the pathways is mediated by alterations in gene expression. The regulation of the differentiation by soluble factors and cell-cell communications within the bone marrow niche are still being defined. The transcription factors that characterize particular cell transitions are illustrated on the arrows the soluble factors that contribute to the differentiation process are in blue. SCF stem cell factor EPO erythropoietin TPO thrombopoietin. Figure 68-3 More Sour f ut A5 K p rOL nur ld Ej H vi r 51. Longo C L. ri iori llO J WtaTn rpjt r ftroc jltr of InfxnuJ 17th Edition http wvw. cccjjrri dii Cop nfl t Th 1 Hc jr -Hlll CornptnMfj Inc All rights rilt ixd. Relative function of cells in the hematopoietic hierarchy. The boxes represent distinct functional features of cells in the myeloid upper box versus lymphoid lower box lineages. Self-Renewal The hematopoietic stem cell must balance its three potential fates apoptosis self-renewal and differentiation. The proliferation of cells is generally not associated with the ability to undergo a self-renewing division except among memory T and B cells and among stem cells. Self-renewal capacity gives way to .