tailieunhanh - Dive Into Python

Dive Into Python is a Python book for experienced programmers. Whether you’re an experienced programmer looking to get into Python or grizzled Python veteran who remembers the days when you had to import the string module, Dive Into Python is your ’desert island’ Python book. If you’ve never programmed before, Python is an excellent language to learn modern programming techniques. But this book should not be your starting point. Get "How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python" by Allen Downey, Jeffrey Elkner, Chris Meyers and learn the basics. . | Table of Contents Dive Into Chapter 1. Installing . Which Python is right for you .2 . Python on Windows .2 . Python on Mac OS . Python on Mac OS . Python on RedHat . Python on Debian GNU . Python Installation from . The Interactive . Chapter 2. Your First Python . Diving . Declaring . Documenting . Everything Is an . Indenting . Testing Chapter 3. Native . Introducing . Introducing . Introducing . Declaring . Formatting . Mapping . Joining Lists and Splitting . Chapter 4. The Power Of . Diving . Using Optional and Named . Using type str dir and Other Built-In . Getting Object References With . Filtering . The Peculiar Nature of and and . Using lambda . Putting It All . Chapter 5. Objects and . Diving . Importing Modules Using from module . Defining . Instantiating . Exploring UserDict A Wrapper . Special Class . Advanced Special Class Dive Into Python i Table of Contents Chapter 5. Objects and Object-Orientation . Introducing Class . Private . Chapter 6. Exceptions and File . Handling Exceptions .64 . Working with File . Iterating with for . Using . Working with . Putting It All . Chapter 7. Regular . Diving . Case Study Street . Case Study Roman . Using the n m . Verbose Regular