tailieunhanh - Soil and Environmental Science DICTIONARY - Part 4 (end)

Appendix A UNITS TABLE SI Prefixes Factor 1024 1021 1018 1015 1012 109 106 103 102 101 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-6 10-9 10-12 10-15 10-18 10-21 10-24 Name yotta zetta exa peta tera giga mega kilo hecto deka deci centi milli micro nano pico femto atto zepto yocto Symbol Y Z E P T G M k h da d c m m n p f a z y TABLE SI Base Units SI Base Unit Base Quantity length mass time electric current thermodynamic temperature amount of substance luminous intensity Name meter kilogram second ampere kelvin mole candela Symbol m kg s A. | Appendix A UNITS TABLE SI Prefixes Factor Name Symbol 1024 yotta Y 1021 zetta Z 1018 exa E 1015 peta P 1012 tera T 109 giga G 106 mega M 103 kilo k 102 hecto h 101 deka da 10-1 deci d 10-2 centi c 10-3 milli m 10-6 micro m 10-9 nano n 10-12 pico p 10-15 femto f 10-18 atto a 10-21 zepto z 10-24 yocto y TABLE SI Base Units Base Quantity SI Base Unit Name Symbol length meter m mass kilogram kg time second s electric current ampere A thermodynamic temperature kelvin K amount of substance mole mol luminous intensity candela cd 561 2001 by CRC Press LLC Appendix A 562 Units TABLE Conversion Factors for SI and non-SI Units Soil Science Society of America 1997 To Convert Column 1 into Column 2 Multiply by Column 1 SI Unit Column 2 non-SI Units To Convert Column 2 into Column 1 Multiply by Length kilometer km 103 m mile mi meter m yard yd meter m foot ft meter m foot ft micrometer mm 10-6m micron m meter m foot ft X 10-2 millimeter mm 10-3 m inch in 10 nanometer nn 10-9 m Angstrom Ả Area hectare ha acre 247 square kilometer km2 103 m 2 acre X 10-3 square kilometer km2 103 m 2 square mile mi2 X 104 square meter m2 acre X 103 square meter m2 square foot ft2 X 10-2 X 10-3 square millimeter mm2 square inch in2 645 10-3 m 2 Volume X 10-3 cubic meter m3 acre-inch cubic meter m3 cubic foot ft3 X 10-2 X 104 cubic meter m3 cubic inch in3 X 10-5 X 10-2 liter L 10-3 m3 bushel bu liter L 10-3 m3 quart liquid qt X 10-2 liter L 10-3 m3 cubic foot ft3 liter L 10-3 m3 gallon liter L 10-3 m3 ounce fluid oz x 10-2 liter L 10-3 m3 pint fluid pt Mass X 10-3 gram g 10-3 kg pound lb 454 X 10-2 gram g 10-3 kg ounce avdp oz kilogram kg pound lb kilogram kg quintal metric q 100 X 10-3 kilogram kg ton 2000 lb ton 907 .