Thuộc địa chất nền cứng biển là một chuỗi các sự kiện tự nhiên mà các cộng đồng năng suất cao của các rạn san hô, đá dưới nước, nền đất cứng, macroalgae, và động vật được hình thành. Chế độ thuộc địa kết quả nồng độ biomasses lớn trên cơ thể ngập nước, trong đó đáng kể vượt quá giá trị tương ứng cho nền đất yếu. Tài sản cơ bản của sinh vật này, cụ thể là, khả năng của họ để tập trung vào các bề mặt cứng, từ lâu đã được sử dụng trong nuôi trồng. | 12 Conclusion The colonization of marine hard substrates is a chain of natural events by which the highly productive communities of coral reefs underwater rocks hard ground macroalgae and animals are formed. Colonization results in the concentration of huge biomasses on submerged bodies which substantially exceed the corresponding values for soft ground. This fundamental property of organisms namely their ability to concentrate on hard surfaces has long been used in the mariculture of mollusks and algae and over the last decades also in the development of artificial reef communities. The concentration of organisms on the surface of technical objects is a negative phenomenon that seriously hampers their operation. Despite a certain degree of variability hard bodies have many common properties in regard to the organisms that inhabit them. These are first of all soundness physical strength relative stability in time and integrity. These properties combined with environmental conditions primarily the current largely determine the similarity of the principal life forms inhabiting hard substrates. Dominant among these life forms are attached organisms adapted to holding on to the surface of hard bodies in the current and able to obtain the food carried by the flow. Accordingly the communities inhabiting hard substrates form a single ecological group Chapter 1 . This thesis has been reliably confirmed by a detailed consideration of the colonization processes and cycles Chapters 3-8 as well as the succession of hard substrate communities Chapter 2 . Thus our attention has been focused on the organisms and communities living on hard substrates and also on the colonization processes that determine the formation and development of such communities. Two global problems were covered in this book how and why a high abundance and biomass of organisms is reached in the marine environment of hard natural and artificial substrates and how man-made structures can be protected from .
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