Quy tắc chung của Biofouling 8,1 Nguyên nhân, cơ chế, VÀ GIỚI HẠN tập trung BIOFOULING trên các bề mặt cứng. Trong chương này, tôi tóm tắt và xem xét lại các tài liệu được trình bày trong các chương trước. Tài liệu tham khảo các ấn phẩm cụ thể sẽ được cung cấp duy nhất mà đặc biệt là cần thiết, nếu không, người đọc nên xem lại những chương trước tương ứng. Những vấn đề cơ bản có nghĩa vụ phải được giải quyết ở đây là như sau: Tại sao các sinh vật tập trung vào các bề mặt. | Q General Regularities of Biofouling CAUSES MECHANISMS AND LIMITS OF BIOFOULING CONCENTRATION ON HARD SURFACES In this chapter I summarize and reconsider the material presented in the preceding chapters. References to specific publications will be given only where especially necessary otherwise the reader is advised to review the corresponding preceding chapters. The fundamental problems that are supposed to be solved here are as follows Why do organisms concentrate on hard surfaces What are the main mechanisms of this concentration Why is it especially distinct in the coastal belt where many man-made structures are situated What are the limits of abundance and biomass of organisms on hard surfaces and what are the factors that determine them It should be noted that in Chapter 1 the phrase concentration of organisms was proposed for designating the high abundance and biomass of organisms reached on hard substrates. The first of our specified problems may be subdivided further Why are hard surfaces colonized Why does the colonization result in the progressively increasing abundance and biomass of organisms Why don t the organisms leave the colonized surface The answers to these questions may appear simple and obvious but only at first sight. For instance to explain the very phenomenon of colonization one must know how the minute dispersal form which ranges in size from mm in bacteria to 1 to 2 mm sometimes up to 5 mm in large swimming larvae finds a hard surface sized from millimeters to centimeters or meters in the vast ocean Abelson and Denny 1997 . If we bear in mind that the phenomenon of settlement of invertebrate larvae and macroalgal spores involves not just any surface but a very limited set of natural surfaces that are suitable for their settlement and living we will realize that colonization and therefore the concentration of biofouling should be regarded as very unlikely events. The settlement of a larva on a hard surface in a water flow also .