tailieunhanh - Java Development with Ant phần 5

Thứ hai, nếu trang từ xa, nói , trả về một mã lỗi, chẳng hạn như 501 và các thông tin ngoại lệ chi tiết, thông tin đó không thể được đọc từ tất cả các phiên bản của Java. Nếu nhiệm vụ chạy trên Java , nó có thể được có thể nhận được các thông tin, nhưng không phải trên Java , | Incrementing build number and setting expiration date Capturing build time information is one thing you can do with propertyfile but it can do more. The propertyfile task can also be used to increment numbers and dates. Ant includes a built-in buildnumber task to accomplish the same thing only more concisely. In listing we use both tasks to create update a properties file at build-time which not only stores the build number but also an expiration date that our software could use to restrict the life of a demo version for example. Listing Build file segment showing how to increment build numbers and perform a date operation property name location metadata property name location property name location buildnumber file ------------- Increments and stores echo message Build Number into delete file propertyfile comment Build Information file entry key value entry key type date operation value 1 default now unit month propertyfile -----Writes build number Generates a date one month from today The entry element of the propertyfile task has several attributes that work in conjunction with one another. The type attribute allows for int date or the default string. The operation attribute is either - or the default of . Date types support a unit attribute and a special default of now. Refer to the documentation for more coverage of the entry attributes. Existing property files are not completely overwritten by the propertyfile task as propertyfile is designed to edit them leaving existing properties untouched unless modified explicitly with an entry item. Comments however get lost in the process. Adding audio and visual feedback during a build We cannot help but mention two interesting optional tasks sound and splash . The sound task is a fun .