tailieunhanh - MySQL Enterprise Solutions phần 2

Có tồn tại một lượng lớn các hương vị hạt nhân: "trinh nữ" hạt nhân, hạt nhân vá bởi các nhà cung cấp phân phối Linux (ví dụ, RedHat, SuSE), và nhiều bản vá lỗi đặc biệt duy trì của các nhóm khác nhau và cá nhân không được đưa cho một trong những lý do khác vào với cây hạt nhân chính. Không có những hương vị là hoàn hảo, | L 2 Selecting a Platform for MySQL Server Although in my opinion Linux is the best platform for running MySQL in most situations Linux is far from perfect. The current state of virtual memory implementation leaves much to be desired and the lack of unity among Linux developers has been a great impediment to progress. There exists a large variety of kernel flavors the virgin kernel kernels patched by Linux distribution vendors . RedHat and SuSE and numerous special patches maintained by various groups and individuals that have not been included for one reason or another into the main kernel tree. None of these flavors is perfect all have bugs or performance quirks of one kind or another. Some will be stable when running MySQL and others will not. To make matters worse some usage patterns of MySQL may expose a bug while others will not. As of this writing the MySQL development team concurs that the most stable kernel for MySQL Server is the one from SuSE . MySQL is not as stable or fast on non-x86 Linux flavors. Two factors play an important role. The non-x86 Linux user install base is not nearly as large as the x86 one which in practice means that a lot of architecture-specific kernel bugs that would have been quickly discovered on x86 will not be discovered on a non-x86 architecture by the time you decide to put your system into production. Similarly the MySQL user base on the non-x86 platform is also small. This means that platform-specific MySQL bugs are not as likely to be discovered and fixed. Having said that I believe that running MySQL on a non-x86 Linux machine is still worth a try. Both MySQL and Linux have been written with great consideration for portability and the code for both is of very high quality. MySQL may run better on Linux than on the native operating system provided by the hardware vendor. Windows Microsoft Windows and MySQL have a very interesting relationship. MySQL was originally written for Unix but one of the goals for MySQL is to