tailieunhanh - The MIT Press Modernity and Technolog phần 4
cuộc cách mạng phần lớn công nghệ, công nghệ thông tin. Công nghệ đã xúc tác quá trình chuyển đổi hiện đại và chuyển tiếp quan trọng xúc tác bên trong nó. Hơn thế nữa, công nghệ và tiếp tục là một phần không thể tách rời của cơ sở hạ tầng hiện đại, được sâu sắc | Critical Theory Feminist Theory and Technology Studies 121 Standardized and reliable evidence in sexual assault cases with one of the desired ends being to help women attain more positive judicial outcomes Parnis and Du Mont 1999 7h .20Soíaĩ sogood forparticipa-tion. However Parnis and Du Mont s analysis of both the design and utilization of the SAEK demonstrates muhiplcpoiiitsofrccontcxtualiza-tion including through vroiousproftssionalculturesrttwWth socHlim terests and valuescromssctedsfiatpc erusterradhiona0 búscv raihcr than eliminating ertmoro rciiiiig-ctm oaritica1 srrutm .Foe exrm a the kit was not coiieistciitlyadno iiistcrccliiirtrsvsrhcrcthu osuouk dial not involve full pruztraticii us in ocser ofacquuiosoncroc spousalasa sault reflecting lon seasitlh mythsaboutwoozamsslitulrs sozii sapr. As Parnis and DuMonteondude 2002 moaets Ackitmaycesvy a legitimacy and a symbslicvzlue wfiirhexccods ttacrpatáhcie sofecitnoc to objectively dcicrmaicdcb acigiou daccs ofa a ssATHssSgcdsasa cautionary exam lc ov ho vparriuipa iii m scohno o calaiiiovaiios and utilization maymíaiScontckuru zo theprocassaf mlucpretztiro being removed thztrymboli us the third methodoio ooi cointosat 0 wadotu tsrasskshat iM of mediational ana ysps msvi ztten0 co dse complsx ooi scruciioz o u a-texts for agcacỵyaidiidai islliovaocnczs ifwus sip rvsicsozucmoaiz codes mzy be bothszbvcrtcdaiid ourcprodisrcd ei ihezlyiiiimis ocla-tionship of strucinoe aada iiayThis o qulretmn S sustsmedattenrion to the constructiondfSotuc ger cendepnszxts parrkskriyiMho insrue is to identify andnuetdfeempndp ato pusentk s. While Feenbergaokoowl edgrrsta femmksokque i a lracs com structions of modrrmtylforcvcmpksua NancyFraser s p989i vrmquc of Habermas her sremrunwinmu ra rrori sullp extandthac ai1 -edgment to the rezognirionohatgaPvsC ikcsuchuokg mo1 Iteunder-stood as a sort of adr coat has pcofouzd tccoaetica ond mathodvlogicoi Tlii with .
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