tailieunhanh - Mission-Critical Security Planner When Hackers Won’t Take No for an Answer phần 6

Thiết kế chương trình xác thực của bạn trong bối cảnh của những người làm việc trong tổ chức của bạn, dự đoán sự sẵn sàng của họ (hoặc thiếu) thông qua cơ chế xác thực mới. Điều đó có nghĩa là bạn phải xem xét dễ dàng sử dụng các cơ chế xác thực và tính di động của thông tin xác thực | 204 Chapter 4 Isolate the most highly exposed components such as the first firewalls in your organization from firewalls and filtering mechanisms deeper within your network. Consider the use of a demilitarized zone DMZ infrastructure design. A DMZ is an additional safety zone that you can place between your private network and the public Internet. One popular example of a DMZ configuration makes use of at least two firewalls. The first firewall connects the public Internet to your DMZ safety zone. Within the safety zone you may have moderate or low-impact devices such as Web servers. On the other side of the DMZ safety zone is another firewall connecting the DMZ safety zone to your more critical higher-impact private network. The firewall connecting to the Internet is usually more liberal having fewer filters and disabling less than the firewall connecting the DMZ to your private network. The firewall to your private network is much more restrictive it would be by analogy the narrower side of a funnel. Selling Security Use Worksheet here. EXECUTIVES Leveraging your impact analysis show how impact is reduced simulate potential attacks that are addressed with your new plan. Similar to the Content and Executable Management CEM security element this element is not a particularly easy sell as it introduces cost and some level of inconvenience. Highlight reduced administration costs perhaps more organizational choice. Relative to ease of administration certain features such as NAT allow the organization to move quickly from one ISP to another with minimal administrative impact because your internal addresses are maintained separately from those of your ISP. Point out features such as this that bring added benefit to offset the perception of inconvenience. MIDDLE MANAGEMENT Highlight workflow impact. Provide procedures for having specific needs met such as opening a particular TCP or UDP port to make an application work or to allow certain previously disallowed .