tailieunhanh - perl the complete reference second edition phần 9

Bộ (hoặc reset) liệt kê đầu thiết lập các mục nhóm. Chức năng này nên được gọi là trước khi cuộc gọi đầu tiên để getgrent. Trả về các hiệu ứng trong bối cảnh vô hướng Không có gì Xem Chương (s) Chương 11 chức năng (s) getgrent, Module endgrent (s) Win32API: Trả về: Net U trong bối cảnh Danh sách | 960 Perl The Complete Reference setgrent setgrent Sets or resets the enumeration to the beginning of the set of group entries. This function should be called before the first call to getgrent. Effects Returns in Scalar Context Nothing See also Chapter s Chapter 11 U Returns in List Context Function s getgrent endgrent Module s Win32API Net sethostent sethostent STAYOPEN Sets or resets the enumeration to the beginning of the set of host entries. This function should be called before the first call to gethostent. The STAYOPEN argument is optional and unused on most systems. Effects Returns in Scalar Context Nothing See also Chapter s Chapter 11 U Returns in List Context Function s Module s gethostent endhostent setnetent setnetent STAYOPEN Sets or resets the enumeration to the beginning of the set of network entries. This function should be called before the first call to getnetent. The STAYOPEN argument is optional and unused on most systems. Appendix A Function Reference 961 Effects U Returns in Scalar Context Returns in List Context Nothing See also Chapter s Function s Module s Chapter 12 getnetent endnetent setpgrp I setpgrp PID PGRP Sets the current process group for the process PID. You can use a value of 0 for PID to change the process group of the current process. If both arguments are omitted defaults to values of 0. Causes a fatal error if the system does not support the function. Effects XT U Returns in Scalar Context Returns in List Context undef on failure New parent process ID See also Chapter s Function s Module s Chapter 15 getpgrp setpriority I setpriority WHICH WHO PRIORITY Sets the priority for a process PRIO_PROCESS process group PRIO_PGRP or user PRIO_USER . The argument WHICH specifies what entity to set the priority for and WHO is the process ID or user ID to set. A value of 0 for WHO defines the current process process group or user. Produces a fatal error on systems that don t support the system setpriority function. Effects Returns in .