tailieunhanh - perl the complete reference second edition phần 6

phương thức GET có kích thước hạn chế chuyển nhượng. Mặc dù có chính thức không có giới hạn, hầu hết mọi người cố gắng giữ cho yêu cầu GET phương pháp giảm ít hơn 1K ( byte). Cũng lưu ý rằng vì thông tin được đặt vào một biến môi trường, hệ thống điều hành của bạn có thể có giới hạn về kích thước của một trong hai | Chapter 18 Developing for the World Wide Web WWW 585 Figure 18-1. The Book Bug Report form from DEVELOPING APPLICATIONS the GET method has a limited transfer size. Although there is officially no limit most people try to keep GET method requests down to less than 1K 1 024 bytes . Also note that because the information is placed into an environment variable your operating system might have limits on the size of either individual environment variables or the environment space as a whole. The POST method has no such limitation. You can transfer as much information as you like within a POST request without fear of any truncation along the way. However you cannot use a POST request to process an extended URL. For the POST method the CONTENT_LENGTH environment variable contains the length of the query supplied and it can be used to ensure that you read the right amount of information from the standard input. 586 Perl The Complete Reference Extracting Form Data No matter how the field data is transferred there is a format for the information that you need to be aware of before you can use the information. The HTML form defines a number of fields and the name and contents of the field are contained within the query string that is supplied. The information is supplied as name value pairs separated by ampersands . Each name value pair is then also separated by an equal sign. For example the following query string shows two fields first and last I first Martin last Brown Splitting these fields up is easy within Perl. You can use split to do the hard work for you. One final note though many of the characters you may take for granted are encoded so that the URL is not misinterpreted. Imagine what would happen if my name contained an ampersand or equal sign The encoding like other elements is very simple. It uses a percent sign followed by a two-digit hex string that defines the ASCII character code for the character in question. So the string Martin Brown would