tailieunhanh - Oracle Built−in Packages- P140

Oracle Built−in Packages- P140: Ah, for the good old days of Version of PL /SQL! Life was so simple then. No stored procedures or functions and certainly no packages. You had your set of built−in functions, like SUBSTR and TO_DATE. You had the IF statement and various kinds of loops. With these tools at hand, you built your batch−processing scripts for execution in SQL*Plus, and you coded your triggers in SQL*Forms , and you went home at night content with a good day's work done. | Appendix A What s on the Companion Disk NOTE To clear all entries from the DBA_REPCATLOG data dictionary view set all parameters to NULL. Quiescence with DBMS_REPCAT You may have noticed that many of the DBMS_REPCAT packages require you to quiesce the environment before using them. Quiescence as it is called accomplishes two things 1. It applies all outstanding DML for the replication group at all master sites. 2. It prevents any additional DML on any of the replicated objects at all master sites. In other words quiescence ensures that all sites are up to date and forces the replicated environment to stand still. WARNING Do not attempt to quiesce an environment that has unresolved errors or any other serious problems. If you cannot complete outstanding transactions you will not be able to quiesce the environment. You will use the following programs to quiesce your environment and start it up again The procedure The SUSPEND_MASTER_ACTIVITY procedure quiesces an environment. The specifications differ for Oracle7 and Oracle8 as follows. Here is the Oracle7 specification PROCEDURE gname IN VARCHAR2 execute_as_user IN BOOLEAN FALSE sname IN VARCHAR2 Here is the Oracle8 specification PROCEDURE gname IN VARCHAR2 override IN BOOLEAN FALSE Parameters are summarized in the following table. Name Description gname Name of the replication group for which replication activity is to be suspended execute_as_user FALSE default indicates that remote system will authenticate calls using authentication context user who originally queued the RPC TRUE indicates that remote system will use authentication context of the session user sname Oracle7 only Not used Quiescence with DBMS_REPCAT 686 Appendix A What s on the Companion Disk Exceptions The SUSPEND_MASTER_ACTIVITY procedure