tailieunhanh - Energy Technology PersPecTives

ETP2010 will build on the success of earlier editions, by providing decision makers with more detailed practical information and tools that can help kick-start the transition to a more secure, sustainable and affordable energy future. The new publication will present: Updated scenarios with greater regional detail providing insights on which new technologies will be most important in the different regions of the world Sectoral deep dives highlighting the key technological challenges and opportunities in each of the main energy-using sectors and the new policies that will be needed to realise change . | International Energy Agency ENERGY 2 TECHNOLOGY o PERSPECTIVES o Scenarios Strategies to 2050 ỉ Please note that N this PDF is subject to specific restrictions that limit its use and distribution. The terms and conditions are available online at Textbase about ENERGY TECHNOLOGY PERSPECTIVES 0 -ON Scenarios Strategies to 2050 To meet the challenges of energy security and climate change as well as the growing energy needs of the developing world a global energy technology revolution is essential. This was the key message of the 2008 edition of Energy Technology Perspectives ETP . But is this fundamental transformation happening What are the key technologies that can play a role What are the costs and benefits And what policies do we need The new ETP 2010 explores such questions and many others drawing on the extensive expertise of the International Energy Agency IEA and its energy technology network. ETP 2010 presents updated scenarios from the present to 2050 that show which new technologies will be most important in key sectors and in different regions of the world. It highlights the importance of finance to achieve change examines the implications of the scenarios for energy security and looks at how to accelerate the deployment of low-carbon technologies in major developing countries. It presents roadmaps and transition pathways for spurring deployment of the most important -clean technologies and for overcoming existing barriers. With extensive data projections and analysis Energy Technology Perspectives 2010 provides decision makers with the detailed information and insights needed to accelerate the switch to a more secure low-carbon energy future. lea International Energy Agency ENERGY 2 TECHNOLOGY 0 PERSPECTIVES 0 Scenarios Strategies to .