tailieunhanh - Risk Management in Emerging Markets

The eight studies presented in this volume are put together to provide a new insight into the design of risk-management models in emerging markets. The objective is to identify the specific characteristics of emerging markets and specify the most appropriate methods of risk management that suits those markets. The chapters report on empirical studies carried out on a number of countries in Asia, Eastern Europe, North Africa and other emerging markets in various continents. | Risk Management in Emerging Markets Edited by Sima Motamen-Samadian Centre for the Study ol Emerging Market Sene Serte Editor. Si ma Mot amenSamodian J Risk Management in Emerging Markets Centre for the study of Emerging Markets Series Series Editor Dr Sima Motamen-Samadian The Centre for the Smdy of Emerging Markets CSEM Series provides a forum for assessing series includes thelatest theoreticalandempiricalstudies frombarhrcadamies andprvetitiooats in relationSvaneeconamiesandSìnaoalve mariets sS caver a wide rance nt subiaats inciuaingstecdmasketsand llieirel licieiicyili emergieaniatkelafatacasring models andthair lenee oidceviratu iiismeio iiig marketiidynarmc models and the iruli fii n in t mertmo merUeti severeiandeblanditsimplieatiens eaaliíinge rdteìegSmet and ilieiimerili risk menat emeni its emelo ma llieseelu derindUye mtrl ri i dl een g decisianim ematymamarkats av aylmyneeandrisampmergmasyeeUeSs ate. The serieswislbeunev1tue mdmlouyees rftafetenea on emeramami rCtaei bath within and outiiCa llioss mdiaelr diu íicaciemlcs tm r and international egenaiet nd r naaiSniWu yti Titles include Sima Motainen-Samadian editor NWSAUD 10 DIRECT INVESTMENTS IN EMERGING MARKEgS DYNAMICMODELS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS IN EMERGING MARKETS RISK MANASNMENTINEMSAGING MASKETg GOVERNANCSACDRISKSNRMCCGIDGDNDGLOBAL MARKETS Also by Sima Motamen-Samadian INTERNATIONALDETTLNDRLRTRAL BANKING IN THE 1980s edited 1AN EMERGINGMARKETS Past andCresDntDxcesGLess and Future Prospects edited with c. Garido Centre for the study of Emerging Markets Series Series standing order ISBNl-4039r9521-4 You can recerveSmure 2itlesinthis seriesastheyarepublished by placing a standing order. Please conloeSuonebpv0lellat oe id laenii I difnedlty write tausat the BddreesUySow wnh your nameandcUdrese the tstSeoi thcserieeanninoIeONquoten above. CustomerOart seet lU aarlaielll. nfa elitCili liismiiulíoN end Bcpingstoke .