tailieunhanh - Nguyên nhân Rối loạn vận động

Áo Đức rối loạn vận động là một thay đổi ở vị trí bình thường hoặc chuyển động của xương bả vai của phong trào TRONG scapulohumeral cùng. Nó XẢY RA trong một số lượng lớn Liên quan đến chấn thương khớp vai và IS thường gây ra bởi chấn thương Điều đó dẫn đến sự ức chế hoặc kích hoạt các mô hình đảo lộn trong cơ Ổn định thuộc về xương vai. | Scapular Dyskinesis and Its Relation to Shoulder Pain W. Ben Kibler MD and John McMullen ATC Abstract Scapular dyskinesis is an alteration in the normal position or motion of the scapula during coupled scapulohumeral movements. It occurs in a large number of injuries involving the shoulder joint and often is caused by injuries that result in the inhibition or disorganization of activation patterns in scapular stabilizing muscles. It may increase the functional deficit associated with shoulder injury by altering the normal scapular role during coupled scapulohumeral motions. Scapular dyskinesis appears to be a nonspecific response to shoulder dysfunction because no specific pattern of dyskinesis is associated with a specific shoulder diagnosis. It should be suspected in patients with shoulder injury and can be identified and classified by specific physical examination. Treatment of scapular dyskinesis is directed at managing underlying causes and restoring normal scapular muscle activation patterns by kinetic chain-based rehabilitation protocols. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2003 11 142-151 The understanding of shoulder function in throwing or work activities and of shoulder dysfunction after injuries has focused on 1 describing how the humerus moves in relation to the glenoid 2 how the glenohumeral ligaments and labrum statically constrain humeral translation and 3 how the rotator cuff dynamically constrains glenohumeral motion. The entire scapula not just the glenoid is intimately involved in all of these functions but its specific involvement is underemphasized especially as a dynamic contributor to shoulder arm function and dysfunction. Alterations in scapular position and motion occur in 68 to 100 of patients with shoulder Specific information about the role of the scapula can help the clinician understand and treat shoulder injuries. Knowledge of scapular kinematics function and evaluation is growing and understanding the role of the scapula in shoulder .