tailieunhanh - LightWave 3D 8 Texturing phần 5

Thay đổi các tham số đầu vào để dốc. Khi bạn tạo ra này gradient, một phím được tự động tạo ra cho bạn ở đầu của đoạn đường dốc. Chúng tôi có thể để lại chìa khóa này chính xác như nó là. Nhấp một chút dưới điều này quan trọng hàng đầu để tạo ra một chìa khóa. Thay đổi giá trị Alpha là 90% và giá trị thông số đến 0,2. | Chapter 9. Part 3 Change the Input Parameter to Slope. When you create this gradient a key is automatically created for you at the top of the gradient ramp. We can leave this key exactly as it is. Click a little way below this top key to create another key. Change its Alpha value to 90 and the Parameter value to . We are now creating snow that lies on horizontal and slightly sloping areas of the mountain object. Click again just below the second key to create a third one. Make sure that its Parameter value is and change its Figure 9-40 Alpha value to 0 . This now makes the snow completely disappear as the object slopes downward. If you render your object now you should get something that looks like Figure 9-41. NOTE I have set the lighting up in the scene to use pure radiosity to light it. If you find that the render is too slow for your machine simply go to your Global Illumination panel and switch the Radiosity option off then set the Global Intensity value back to 100 . Figure 9-41 Okay so we have a mountain that now has some decent snowfall on it. How about adding a touch of greenery along the bottom of the slopes to show some forest areas or just some grassy knolls This will help to break up the monotony of the brown color on the slopes. 5. Create a new procedural layer below the Slope gradient layer and select Turbulence my most favorite procedural for doing practically anything . Set its color to a nice medium green with the following RGB values 35 80 25. Set up the actual texture as follows Frequencies 5 Contrast 90 Small Power 188 .Gradients Creating Textures Set the Scale values on the Scale tab to 500 mm for each axis as shown in Figure 9-42. The problem with this procedural is that right now it covers the entire surface. We only really want it along the foothills of the mountain so we need to have it only growing up to a certain height. This is where the Y Distance From Pivot Point gradient comes in handy. 6. Create a new gradient Figure 9-42