tailieunhanh - LightWave 3D 8 Texturing phần 3

điều chỉnh màu sắc nhẹ kết cấu của bạn nếu bạn đang làm việc với một cảnh có ánh sáng mạnh mẽ màu. Trong trường hợp đó, bạn chỉ cần điều chỉnh các màu sắc của kết cấu của bạn cho phù hợp. Độ bão hòa của một hình ảnh là số lượng màu sắc mà mỗi điểm ảnh chứa và cường độ của màu sắc mà. | Chapters. Part 2 BRDF Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function Yes this shader has one of the most impressive names in the whole 3D field Amaze your friends by dropping this term at important events and then pretending that it is something really profound. Further amaze them with this really complex explanation The bidirectional reflectance distribution function gives the reflectance of a target as a function of illumination geometry and viewing geometry. The BRDF depends on wavelength and is determined by the structural and opticalproperties of the surface such as shadow-casting multiple scattering mutual shadowing transmission reflection absorption and emission by surface elements facet orientation distribution and facet density. Just make sure that you look like you know what you are talking about when you say all that. In terms of actual execution the BRDF shader is actually quite simple. And the cool thing about this shader is that it can be used for a couple of different things. Take a look at the shader s interface in Figure 5-42. It looks a little complex Figure 5-42 doesn t it First and most simply you can use this shader to exclude certain lights within the scene from the surface. Notice the list on the left-hand side of the panel where all the lights in the scene are listed. You can check or uncheck each light in this list depending on whether you want it to affect the surface or Figure 5-43 not. Just click on the little checkmark next to the light s name to disable it. Selecting each light in the list also allows you to set values for the light s strength on the surface. You can enter this value in the field labeled Light Strength. Light Strength I I Save Lights in Scene I I Use Ail Light I I i. . H I Layer 2 - Figure 5-44 1000X Specular Reflection 1 I RegiAy That is the first useful thing about this shader although it is not the actual main intention of it. It is just one of those little things that you can use it for. The main purpose of this .