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The nine mathematicians whose works are represented in the following pages are among the most famous in the whole history of mathematics. Each of them made a significant con- tribution to the science-a contribution which changed the succeeding course of the development of mathematics. That is why we have called this book Breakthroughs in Mathe- matics. . | Peter Wolff is Executive Editor of The Great Ideas of Today an annual supplement to Great Books of the Western World published by Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc. He is a magna cum laude graduate of St. John s College where he taught mathematics while completing his master s thesis. Mr. Wolff worked on the Synopttcon a two-volume idea index for the Great Books of the Western World and was Assistant Director and a Fellow of San Francisco s Institute of Philosophical Research set up under a grant from the Ford Foundation. Copyright 1963 BY Peter Wolff All rights reserved The author wishes to thank the various publishers and individuals who permitted the selections in this book to be reprinted. Copyright notices and credits are given on the first page of each selection. Thanks also go to the author s assistant Mary Florence Haugen for all her help and encouragement in conceiving and completing this book. PLUME TRADEMARK REG. . PAT. OFF. AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES REGISTERED TRADEMARK MARCA REGISTRADA HECHO EN CLINTON MASS. . Signet Signet Classics Mentor and Plume Books are published in the United States by The New American Library Inc. 1301 Avenue of the Americas New York New York 10019 in Canada by The New American Library of Canada Limited 295 King Street East Toronto 2 Ontario in the United Kingdom by The New English Library Limited Barnard s Inn Holborn London . 1 England First Printing March 1970 PRINTED in the united states of AMERICA breakthroughs in mathematics PETER WOLFF . A PLUME BOOK from NEW AIVIERICAIXi LIBRARY TIMES MIRROR New York Toronto and .