tailieunhanh - Principles of Air Quality Management - Chapter 3

Tiêu chuẩn chất lượng và giám sát Tuy nhiên, nó là biểu hiện, những người sửa chữa đến London, không sớm nhập vào nó, nhưng họ tìm thấy một sự thay đổi phổ quát trong cơ quan của họ, hoặc dryed hoặc enflam'd, các humours được bực tức và làm cho khuynh hướng putrifie, sensories và perspirations cực stopp'd, với losse của sự ham thích, và một loại sự kinh ngạc chung, . miễn là họ thực hiện tại chỗ, nhưng ngay lập tức khôi phục lại thói quen cũ của mình, vì vậy ngay sau khi họ nghỉ hưu của. | 3 Air Quality Standards and Monitoring But it is manifest that those who repair to London no sooner enter into it but they find a universal alteration in their Bodies which are either dryed up or enflam d the humours being exasperated and made apt to putrifie their sensories and perspirations so exceedingly stopp d with the losse of Appetite and a kind of general stupefaction . so long as they abide in the place which yet are immediately restored to their former habit so soon as they are retired to their Homes and enjoy the fresh Aer again. Fumifugium 1661 Historically only qualitative standards were available to estimate the levels of air pollution in a city. These standards usually consisted of generalized descriptions of health effects as seen in Fumifugium above or in the case of the Great London Smog Disaster of 1952 statistics on the number of excess deaths or hospital admittances. These are after-the-fact measures of air pollution. It was only well into the latter half of the 20th century that instruments became available to monitor air pollution levels on a real-time basis. Instruments also made possible the setting of numerical standards for health and welfare as management tools. With the exception of public nuisance air quality standards are expressed today as a given concentration of the contaminant averaged over a specified period of time. The dose concept for any contaminant is therefore an integral part of evaluating or expressing levels of acceptable air quality. When air quality standards are set they generally incorporate the dose concept as the basis for the most relevant health effects. The type of health effect and exposure time is also important. Ozone usually has a shorter duration standard lead in contrast is expressed almost exclusively by monthly or annual average concentrations throughout the world. This is a result of chronic health effects being the most prominent for lead. STANDARDS The criteria air pollutants which are the .