tailieunhanh - Particle Toxicology - Chapter 10
Hạt dạng hít tác động đến khi các tế bào biểu mô của đường hô hấp sau khi hít phải, tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho một viêm phản ứng. Ngoài việc gây tổn thương tế bào biểu mô thông qua các cơ chế liên quan đến DNA thiệt hại, các hạt gây bệnh như silica hay amiăng gợi ra phản ứng độc hại và tăng sinh trong các tế bào phổi thông qua con đường truyền tín hiệu tế bào có thể được kích hoạt bởi các tương tác trực tiếp của sợi với màng bào tương (Rom et al 1991; Adamson 1997;. | 10 Cell-Signaling Pathways Elicited by Particulates Jamie E. Levis and Brooke T. Mossman University of Vermont College of Medicine University of Vermont CONTENTS Relevance of Cell Proliferation in Lung to Importance of Understanding Cell-Signaling Pathways Leading to Inflammatory Alterations in Lung Signaling Pathways Activated by Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases Fos Jun Family Members and Activator Protein-1 .200 Nuclear Other Signaling Pathways Induced by PREFACE Inhaled particles impinge upon epithelial cells of the respiratory tract after inhalation facilitating an inflammatory response. In addition to causing epithelial cell injury through mechanisms involving DNA damage pathogenic particles such as silica or asbestos elicit toxic and proliferative responses in lung cells through cell signaling pathways that can be triggered by direct interactions of fibers with the plasma membrane Rom et al. 1991 Adamson 1997 Mossman and Churg 1998 or indirectly via reactive oxygen species ROS Shukla et al. 2003a . At high concentrations of particles exposures result in cell death and repair or compensatory proliferation of surrounding epithelial cells. If this phenomenon occurs subsequent to DNA damage a situation could arise whereby the replicating population including initiated cells that have an increased propensity towards further genetic instability could continue on the route towards malignancy . lung cancers. The elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of cell injury and proliferation by inhaled particles is therefore critically important for understanding mechanisms of lung cancer and mesothelioma a tumor unique to asbestos fibers as well as pulmonary or pleural fibrosis. In these diseases proliferation of epithelial cells or mesothelial cells may play dual roles 1 repair of damaged epithelium and 2
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