tailieunhanh - 342 Toeic vocabulary tests words by meaning Episode 2 Part 7

Tham khảo tài liệu '342 toeic vocabulary tests words by meaning episode 2 part 7', ngoại ngữ, toefl - ielts - toeic phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | TOEIC Vocabulary Word by Meaning Test 200 Answer Keys Questions Index A1 n. panel containing buttons for connecting and disconnecting telephone or electrical circuits definition a switchboard A2 v. to permit to enable definition d allow A3 n. chart showing the months of a year including days and weeks schedule timetable definition a calendar A4 n. meeting conference set group of people definition d assembly A5 n. printed form that entitles the holder to certain rights such as in a discount definition c coupon A6 v. to convey to relocate to hand over to pass on definition b transfer A7 n. string thin cord Internet discussion definition d thread A8 n. percentage of profits earned by a salesperson definition d commission A9 n. source beginning birth parentage nationality definition d origin A10 adj. safe protected strong stable confident definition b secure 561 PHOTOCOPIABLE TOEIC Vocabulary Word by Meaning Test 201 Answer Keys Questions Index A1 n. exercise assignment given to a student something to be studied and learned definition a lesson A2 n. warning alarm attitude of readiness definition d alert A3 n. series of remarks explanation often written in essay or book form definition c commentary A4 n. person who is tested candidate definition b examinee A5 n. base fundament substructure establishing institution definition d foundation A6 n. dossier for storing papers directory definition c folder A7 v. to examine to debate to scrutinize to solicit votes or opinions definition b canvass A8 n. misuse loss rubbish garbage sewage definition a waste A9 n. prevention rejection leaving out keeping out shutting out definition d exclusion A10 n. a charge imposed and collected definition a levy 562 PHOTOCOPIABLE TOEIC Vocabulary Word by Meaning Test 202 Answer Keys Questions Index A1 v. to be similar to to be akin to to look like to have a similar appearance to definition a resemble A2 v. to make right to amend definition a correct A3