tailieunhanh - Particle Toxicology - Chapter 2

Người ta ước tính rằng silicon yếu tố tăng 27,7% của lớp vỏ lục địa của trái đất. Phần lớn của silicon này ở dạng tinh thể silicon dioxide (SiO2) như thạch anh sự nhiều hình, một wellestablished hô hấp nguy hiểm (Rimala, Greenbergac, và William năm 2005). Tuy nhiên, silicon cũng hiện nay rất nhiều khoáng chất khác, và do đó ", silicat và không silicat" đã được sử dụng bởi khoáng như một khuôn khổ, tiếp tục dựa trên cấu trúc (ortho, vòng, dây chuyền, tấm, và tecto-), mô tả tất cả các khoáng sản (Deer, Howie, và Zussman 1966). Khuôn khổ này. | Ọ Mineralogy and Structure of Pathogenic Particles Tim Jones School of Earth Ocean and Planetary Sciences Cardiff University Kelly BeruBe School of Biosciences Cardiff University CONTENTS Ortho- and Ring Chain Sheet Tecto- Framework Non Rock Quarrying and Airborne Rock Urban Rural and Technogenic INTRODUCTION It is estimated that the element silicon makes up of the earth s continental crust. The majority of this silicon is in the form of crystalline silicon dioxide SiO2 as the polymorph quartz a well-established respiratory hazard Rimala Greenbergac and William 2005 . However silicon is also present in numerous other minerals and therefore silicates and non-silicates have been used by mineralogists as a framework further based on structure ortho- ring chain sheet and tecto- to describe all minerals Deer Howie and Zussman 1966 . This framework has been used in this chapter but only minerals that are known or suspected to be respiratory hazards Guthrie and Mossman 1993 are included Figure and Table . The chemistry and structure of minerals is complicated by the fact that many minerals exist in solid state series and in different shape habits. For example the chain silicate amphibole cummingtonite Mg Fe 2 7 Si8O22 OH 2-grunerite Fe Mg 7 Si8O22 OH 2 series. Grunerite is the name for the more iron-rich end-members and is of significance here because in its fibrous habit it is the mineral amosite carcinogenic asbestos Nolan Langer and Wilson 1999 . In addition to the chemistry and habit the formation conditions of the minerals can have bearings on the toxicity . SiO2. The vast majority of crystalline SiO2 occurs as the polymorph quartz a mineral that usually forms at relatively low temperatures and high pressures. However if SiO2 forms at high temperatures and low pressures such as near the surface in a .