tailieunhanh - Radio Propagation and Remote Sensing of the Environment - Chapter 13

Hầu hết các thông tin về tầng điện ly và tiếp tục thu được dựa trên dữ liệu viễn thám. Trong giai đoạn trước khi các vệ tinh nhân tạo, radar (ionosonde), bức xạ sóng ngắn với sự thay đổi tần số sóng mang từ xung xung, là công cụ chính. Các tần số sóng mang của các xung nằm trong các ban nhạc mười thước và được lựa chọn theo cách thức như vậy là tần số trên là nhỏ hơn tần số plasma của nồng độ điện tử trong tầng điện ly tối đa. Bởi vì nồng độ. | 13 Remote Sensing of the Ionosphere INCOHERENT SCATTERING Most information about the ionosphere was and continues to be obtained based on remote sensing data. In the period before artificial satellites radar ionosonde radiated short pulses with carrier frequency change from pulse to pulse was the main tool. The carrier frequencies of the pulses lie in the decameter band and are chosen in such a manner that the upper frequency is smaller than the plasma frequency of the electron concentration in the ionospheric maximum. Because the maximum electron concentration at altitude zm 300 km reaches a value of 2 106 cm-3 in the daytime the corresponding upper frequency see Equation must have a value of the order of 13 MHz. The pulses are reflected by layers whose plasma frequencies coincide with the carrier frequencies of the pulses. The electron concentration of the proper layer is defined by the reflected pulse frequency and the time of its arrival determines the layer altitude. This is a brief description of the general idea of ionosonde data interpretation although in reality it is actually much more Evidently it is possible to obtain in this way only knowledge about the lower ionosphere because the pulses are not reflected by layers above the ionospheric maximum F-layer . Artificial Earth satellites led to the development of onboard ionosonde which allowed the ionosphere to be sounded from above and for data to be obtained about the height distribution of the electron concentration above the F-layer. The development of satellite communication systems promoted the study of ionospheric propagation processes experimental research into the various effects refraction phase and group delay polarization plane rotation etc. and elaboration of methods for defining ionospheric parameters on the basis of these effects all of which are considered in this chapter. To begin we will examine the effect of incoherent scattering. The development of radar .