tailieunhanh - Radio Propagation and Remote Sensing of the Environment - Chapter 12

Lò vi sóng phương pháp vô tuyến sẽ tìm kiếm ứng dụng tốt hơn cho nghiên cứu bầu khí quyển của Trái đất. Như đã thảo luận trước đây, chúng được dựa trên sự tương tác của radiowaves với bầu khí quyển. Sự tương tác này là rõ ràng trong việc giảm biên độ sóng, thay đổi của giai đoạn, phân cực, và các thông số radiowave khác. Bức xạ vi sóng nhiệt cũng là kết quả của tương tác này. Trọng tâm chính của chương này là phần trung tính của bầu khí quyển của Trái đất - tầng. | 12 Atmospheric Research by Microwave Radio Methods Microwave radio methods are finding greater application for research of the atmosphere of Earth. As discussed previously they are based on the interaction of radiowaves with the atmosphere. This interaction is apparent in the decrease in wave amplitude change of phase polarization and other radiowave parameters. Thermal microwave radiation is also the result of this interaction. The main focus of this chapter is on the neutral part of the atmosphere of Earth the troposphere. Investigating the ionosphere is addressed in Chapter 13. The interaction itself depends on the atmospheric components gases hydrometeors etc. and on general atmospheric parameters such as temperature and pressure. It allows formulation of the two main problems in tropospheric study on the basis of remote sensing technology. One problem is how to obtain information about general atmospheric parameters and their spatial distribution and dynamics. Radiowave interaction with constant atmospheric components provides the basis for solving this problem where radiowave absorption by atmospheric oxygen is the main feature. The second problem is related to determining changeable atmospheric components their spatial concentration and so on. Solving this problem requires consideration of water vapor concentration liquid water content in clouds concentrations of minor gaseous constituents their dynamics etc. Both problems are in one way or another connected with the inverse problem solution. Solving the second one as we discussed in Chapter 10 requires a priori information. To some extent parameters of an atmospheric model can play the role of this a priori information. MAIN A PRIORI ATMOSPHERIC INFORMATION A standard cloudless atmosphere is characterized by such parameters as temperature density and pressure. The height temperature profile is described by the broken line function To - ah T h h 11km T 11km h - 20 0 h 11km 11km h 20km 20km h 32km.