tailieunhanh - Inside Steve's Brain Business Lessons from Steve Jobs, the Man Who Saved Apple by Leander Kahney_10

Tham khảo tài liệu 'inside steve's brain business lessons from steve jobs, the man who saved apple by leander kahney_10', kinh doanh - tiếp thị, quản trị kinh doanh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | spend as much as possible. But Jobs and Johnson asked themselves how the products would fit into the context of customers lives their life experience. Johnson explained We didn t think about their experience in the store. We said let s design this store around their life experience. Second We said we want our stores to create an ownership experience for the customer explained Johnson. The store should be about the lifetime of the product not the moment of the transaction. At many stores the purchase ends the relationship with the store. At Apple stores We like to think that s where it begins. So first we made a list Johnson said. Enrich lives how do you do it They decided the store should carry only the right stuff. Too much merchandise confuses customers. Johnson learned the benefits of limiting choice at Target. Some of Target s executives wanted to stock the shelves with as many products as possible. At one time Target carried thirty-one toaster models. But Johnson learned that the leading retailer in kitchen supply Williams Sonoma stocked only two toasters. It s not about broad assortment he said. It s about the right assortment. 35 Jobs and Johnson also decided customers should be encouraged to test-drive all the products. At the time most computer stores had working models on display but customers couldn t load up software or connect to the Net or download pictures from their digital camera. At the Apple stores customers would be free to test all aspects of a machine before they bought it. At first Jobs pondered the idea of opening a few stores and seeing what happened. But on Mickey Drexler s advice Jobs had a secret mockup store built in a warehouse close to Apple s Cupertino HQ. The store would be designed the same way as Apple s products they would build a prototype that could be refined and improved until it was perfected. Johnson assembled a team of about twenty retail experts and store designers and began to experiment with different store layouts. To