tailieunhanh - reading_part6

Tham khảo tài liệu 'reading_part6', ngoại ngữ, toefl - ielts - toeic phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Unit 12 My favourite place VENICE Venice is probably the most obvious of my favourite places but my Venice is the Venice of winter when heels ring on saltdamp stone pavements that are colder than frozen. Summer Venice is loud and crass in winter you can feel the authentic Venetian melancholy as sweet as it is bitter. Winter is the time to sit in the Café Florian over piping hot unsweetened chocolate hiding under a small alp of sugared Schlag and watch indigo shadows deepening on the Piazza San Marco as the cadets from the police academy swing the dark blue capes of their Napoleonic dress uniform and chink their spurs watching the women from under their cock-aded tricornes. In the morning you can run down to the pescheria and join the women scanning the opalescent heaps of glimmering fish and exotic crustaceans. The vendors will woo you to buy - Sposa Bionda - until they get what they seem to want really a smile. As you go back to the Rialto you can sniff the sleepy scent of oranges and the sharp tang of winter salads brought down from the hills with the dew still on them. After that there are hundreds of places to go and spoils of mercantile empire to gloat over if I can I poke about in the Biblioteca Marciana which is not to everybody s taste. After lunch you can sit on the Zattere shut your eyes against the dazzle of the low sun reflected off the Nile-green water and let it take the grey bloom off your winter skin. When you walk back to San Marco you will pass the flower stall at the bottom of the Accademia bridge crammed to bursting with red roses gardenia and tuberoses and you will realise with a pang like forgotten love that the street lamps of dying Venice are the faintest shade of rose Germaine Greer This is trial version 45 Unit 12 My favourite place Jonathan Raban writing about his favourite place Seattle includes much more factual information than Germaine Greer does about Venice. Read the passage and note down any facts about Seattle. .

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