tailieunhanh - proofreading revising editing_part9

USINGHYPHENS, dấu gạch ngang, ANDELLIPSES một mình. Tránh chia từ cuối cùng của một đoạn văn và tránh phân chia một số. Ví dụ về sử dụng không chính xác của dấu gạch ngang ở cuối dòng Do-g po hoặc immediatel-y aw-kward | USING HYPHENS DASHES AND ELLIPSES alone. Avoid dividing the last word of a paragraph and avoid dividing a number. 5. Three fifths of the cars enter the S curves too fast. Examples of incorrect use of a hyphen at the end of a line Do-g po-or immediatel-y aw-kward sixty-five 6. The coach re examined the tapes of the game Exercise 1 Rewrite the following sentences on the lines provided adding hyphens where they are needed. Answers can be found at the end of the lesson. they lost 52 6. 1. Twenty six eight year old students visited the Lincoln Memorial. 7. The deck will have six nine and twelve foot sections. 2. The ex professional mountain bike racer is French Canadian. 8. The two pronged attack begins at exactly eight forty in the morning. 3. A well spoken salesman told me about his great grandfather. 9. My know it all brother is the vice chair of the committee. 4. The post operation physical therapy consists of lifting eight pound weights. 10. The all star pole vaulter is only five eight. 157 USING HYPHENS DASHES AND ELLIPSES Dashes There are only a few correct uses of dashes. Many writers overuse dashes so that they detract from the content of the writing. Follow the rules listed and use dashes sparingly. Note A dash is a line the length of two hyphens when writing or two hyphens in a row -- when typing. Many computer word processing programs will automatically turn two hyphens into a dash when the next word is typed. Use a dash to connect a phrase at the beginning of a sentence to the rest of the sentence. Example Liberty equality fraternity these words were the rallying cry during the French revolution. Example Dulles LaGuardia Los Angeles International these were the first airports that received federal money to make improvements. Use a dash to insert a comment. Example The varsity team including three junior varsity players left today for the state tournament. Example Mary is organizing with the help of the . a fundraiser to help cover the costs of the new

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