The aims outlined here are completely interdependent. Students cannot be taught concepts, skills and processes unless they find their encounters with language meaningful. Students will not respect language and their use of it unless they feel it contributes to their sense of understanding of the world. In trying to achieve these objectives it is vital that teachers introduce students to texts which create a meaningful context and invite dialogue and interaction. This interaction can be fostered by encouraging students to adopt a variety of critical stances, to question the authority of texts and to compare and contrast texts. The development of. | Leaving Certificate English AN ROINN OIDEACHAIS AGUS EOLAÍOCHTA THE LEAVING CERTIFICATE ENGLISH SYLLABUS HIGHER LEVEL and ORDINARY LEVEL Leaving Certificate English CONTENTS Page Preface 3 1. Introduction 4 2. Structure of the syllabus 6 3. Aims 7 4. Learning Outcomes 10 5. Levels of provision and attainment 15 6. Course requirements 17 7. Examinations 19 2 Leaving Certificate English THE LEAVING CERTIFICATE ENGLISH SYLLABUS PREFACE The remit of the specialist course committee for English which was put in place by the NCCA stressed that the new English syllabus should give priority to the study and acquisition of the language skills both oral and written that are needed for adult life. Specifically the new syllabus should provide opportunities for the development of the higher-order thinking skills of analysis inference synthesis and evaluation. Also students knowledge and level of control of the more formal aspects of language . register paragraphs syntax punctuation and spelling should be given particular attention in the new syllabus. Consequently this syllabus both in its structure and in its content is a radical and original response to the stated remit. The study of thinking skills and language are emphasised throughout. Itemised lists of skills related to specific categories of language use are presented as the expected learning outcomes. Students will be expected to see every language product whether it be a memo or a poem a political speech or a play as a text which needs to be studied and its specific genre understood. Developing students interest in literature remains central to Leaving Certificate English. The syllabus has also been innovative in this area. Building on the Junior Certificate syllabus it has introduced the comparative study of texts and the study of film enlarged the range of choice in texts and revised and updated the poetry course.