tailieunhanh - Estuarine Research, Monitoring, and Resource Protection - Chapter 3

Quốc gia Jacques Cousteau cửa sông nghiên cứu dự trữ (JCNERR) là trang web chương trình 22 cửa sông quốc gia Nghiên cứu Hệ thống dự trữ (NERRS). Đó là ofÞcially chuyên dụng vào ngày 20 tháng 10 năm 1997. Dự trữ, trong đó bao gồm một diện tích hơn ha, nằm dọc theo bờ biển phía nam trung tâm New Jersey khoảng 15 km về phía bắc của thành phố Atlantic (hình ). Các môi trường sống trên cạn và thủy sản rất đa dạng, khác nhau, từ vùng cao thông, gỗ sồi rừng và đầm lầy rừng. | Case Study 2 Copyright 2004 CRC Press LLC 3 Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve INTRODUCTION The Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve JCNERR is the 22nd program site of the National Estuarine Research Reserve System NERRS . It was officially dedicated on October 20 1997. The reserve which covers an area of more than 45 000 ha lies along the south-central New Jersey coastline about 15 km north of Atlantic City Figure . The terrestrial and aquatic habitats are highly diverse ranging from upland pine-oak forests and woodland swamps in the alluviated stream valleys of the New Jersey Pinelands to tidal marshes and open estuarine and coastal waters. Only 553 ha of developed landscape 1 of the area occur in the reserve. Forest cover and marsh habitat account for an additional 4616 ha 10 of the reserve area and 13 034 ha 28 of the reserve area respectively. The most extensive habitat is open water it spans 27 599 ha 60 of the reserve area . Because of sparse development in watershed areas of the reserve as well as the bordering New Jersey Pinelands the JCNERR exhibits exceptional environmental quality. Nearly all of the land area surrounding open waters of the reserve is in public ownership. It mainly consists of state wildlife management areas state forests and federal reserves. The open waters of lower Barnegat Bay Little Egg Harbor Great Bay Mullica River and the back-bays . Little Bay Reeds Bay and Absecon Bay as far south as Absecon support rich populations of hnhsh shelffish and wildlife. Similarly numerous organisms including some endangered and threatened species inhabit tidal creeks along fringing Spartina marshes as well as brackish and freshwater marshes to the west. The seaward part of the reserve extends to the barrier islands dune and beach habitats and open waters of the adjacent inner continental shelf out to the Long-Term Ecosystem Observatory LEO-15 a km2 offshore research platform of Rutgers University located