tailieunhanh - Basic GIS Coordinates - Chapter 3

Tọa độ vĩ độ và kinh độ, đường đi về hướng bắc và đường về hướng đông, và vector bán kính và góc cực thường đi theo cặp, nhưng đó không phải là toàn bộ câu chuyện. Đối với một cặp phối hợp được hoàn toàn chính xác, nó đại diện phải nằm trên một bề mặt được xác định rõ. Nó có thể là một chiếc máy bay bằng phẳng, hoặc nó có thể là bề mặt của một ellipsoid cụ thể, trong cả hai trường hợp, bề mặt được mịn màng và có một định nghĩa toán học. | chapter three Heights Coordinates for latitude and longitude northing and easting and radius vector and polar angle often come in pairs but that is not the whole story. For a coordinate pair to be entirely accurate the point it represents must lie on a well-defined surface. It might be a flat plane or it might be the surface of a particular ellipsoid in either case the surface will be smooth and have a definite and complete mathematical definition. As mentioned earlier modern geodetic datums rely on the surfaces of geocentric ellipsoids to approximate the surface of the Earth. However the actual Earth does not coincide with these nice smooth surfaces even though that is where the points represented by the coordinate pairs lay. In other words the abstract points are on the ellipsoid but the physical features those coordinates intend to represent are of course on the actual Earth. Although the intention is for the Earth and the ellipsoid to have the same center the surfaces of the two figures are certainly not in the same place. There is a distance between them. The distance represented by a coordinate pair on the reference ellipsoid to the point on the surface of the Earth is measured along a line perpendicular to the ellipsoid. This distance is known by more than one name. Known as both the ellipsoidal height and the geodetic height it is usually symbolized by h. In Figure the ellipsoidal height of station Youghall is illustrated. The reference ellipsoid is GRS80 since the latitude and longitude are given in NAD83 1992 . Notice that it has a year in parentheses 1992. Because 1986 is part of the maintenance of the reference frame for the . the National Spatial Reference System NSRS NGS has been updating the calculated horizontal and ellipsoidal height values of NAD83. They differentiate earlier adjustments of NAD83 from those that supersede them by labeling each with the year of the adjustment in parentheses. In other words NAD83 1992 supersedes NAD83 1986 .