tailieunhanh - Enzymes in Food Technology

Enzymes may be described as 'functional catalytic proteins'. I do hope, however, that this volume will re-introduce them as useful and targeted workforces. Like the more familiar human workforces, they have preferred working conditions, may be trained (cultured) to carry out very specific tasks, and they cannot function when their food (substrate) runs out. | Enzymes in Food Technology ROBERT J. WHITEHURST BARRY A. LAW Editors Sheffield Academic Press CRC Press Enzymes in Food Technology Sheffield Food Technology Series Editors . Law and . Taylor A series which presents the current state of the art of chosen sectors of the food and beverage industry. Written at professional and reference level it is directed at food scientists and technologists ingredients suppliers packaging technologists quality assurance personnel analytical chemists and microbiologists. Each volume in the series provides an accessible source of information on the science and technology of a particular area. Titles in the series Chemistry and Technology of Soft Drinks and Fruit Juices Edited by . Ashurst Natural Toxicants in Food Edited by . Watson Technology of Bottled Water Edited by . Senior and . Ashurst Environmental Contaminants in Food Edited by . Moffat and . Whittle Handbook of Beverage Packaging Edited by . Giles Technology of Cheesemaking Edited by . Law Mechanisation and Automation in Dairy Technology Edited by . Tamime and . Law Enzymes in Food Technology Edited by . Whitehurst and . .