tailieunhanh - SAT II success literature Episode 1 Part 5

Tham khảo tài liệu 'sat ii success literature episode 1 part 5', ngoại ngữ, ngữ pháp tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | CHAPTER 2 ELEMENTS OF PROSE Another important element to consider about form is genre which identifies the type of work a piece of fiction or nonfiction is such as a novel or short story. Within a particular genre such as the novella an author may choose to create a realistic romantic tragic or comedic work in order to tell his or her story. Questions to Help You Recognize Form and Its Effects in Fiction Consider the following to help you analyze a fictional work s form or structure 1. Summarize the plot or narrative line. What are the conflicts the climax the turning point and other important points in plot development 2. How are the elements of the story arranged 3. Do the elements occur when you expect them to in relation to the story s plot 4. What comes first second and so forth and why 5. How would the story be different if aspects of the plot were presented in a different order 6. How does the existing order contribute to the story 7. How does the placement of elements influence the effect of the story 8. What is the genre of the piece Form in Nonfiction Nonfiction of course is not created from the author s imagination. It depends on factual information although there may be an element of opinion depending on the genre personal or informal essay for example versus an informational article. However the method of organization form or structure may vary greatly among a sample of nonfiction works. The following table provides an overview of the major ways nonfiction is organized or structured. Note Writers of fiction as well as poets and dramatists may use the same organizing principles to develop the form structure of their works. Although a novel may be developed overall by chronological order a description of a character may be developed through a comparison and contrast with another character or the denouement of a murder mystery may be reached through developmental order by having the detective explain step by step the suspected character s motive and .