tailieunhanh - Nghiên cứu khoa học nông nghiệp " MECHANIZATION OF RICE HARVESTING IN THE MEKONG RIVER DELTA "

Crop: 2-3 vụ / năm thu hoạch mùa xuân-mùa thu là ở giữa mùa mưa. - Đất: đất là đất mềm mà vẫn có nước trong quá trình thu hoạch cây trồng mùa xuân-mùa thu. - Gạo: Thường vụ lúa, một phần hoặc toàn bộ gạo nộp. - Lao động: Sự thiếu hụt số lượng lớn lao động trẻ và khỏe mạnh hơn và nhiều hơn nữa. - Chi phí thu hoạch: Chi phí thu hoạch cao hơn và cao hơn do thiếu lao động và tiêu chuẩn sống cao hơn đặc biệt là trong thời gian thu hoạch cao điểm | MECHANIZATION OF RICE HARVESTING IN THE MEKONG RIVER DELTA PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Rice planting area and production of MRD in 2005 in comparison to the whole country Area ha Production ton Viet nam 7 326 400 35 790 800 MRD 3 826 300 19 234 500 Source Statistic Department 2006 1. Current status - Crop 2-3 crop year where the Spring-Autumn harvest is in the middle of the raining season. - Land Most of the land is soft soil that still has water during harvesting of Spring-Autumn crop. - Rice Standing rice partial or full lodged rice. - Labor The lack of large number of young and healthy labors are more and more. - Harvesting cost Harvesting cost is higher and higher due to the lack of labors and the higher living standard especially during peak harvesting time. - Grain quality o Ripening degree 1 Depending on the observed person 2 the weather of Spring-Summer season affects strongly on the harvesting time early harvest to avoid storm or late harvest due to storm o The grain crack depends on the harvesting and post-harvest methods Field drying when temperature difference between day and night is considerable lead to uneven moisture between top and bottom rice layers sun drying or mechanical drying. o The germination of the grains has occurred while piling the harvested rice in the Spring-Summer. - Harvesting Method o Cutting Manually or by reaper about 3000 reapers . o Piling Manually. o Threshing by thresher. 2. Current applied methods - 100 of rice threshed by machine. - The reaper has been used by the farmer since 15 years ago to solve the problem of the lack of labor and to reduce the harvesting period. - From 2004 to present there are about 200 combine-harvesters are used in Vietnam. They are fabricated locally or imported from China. The above applied harvesting methods have goaled to solve the lack of the labors only but not for the grain quality in harvesting. 3. Advantages disadvantages of the applied harvesting methods in the Mekong River Delta. .