tailieunhanh - Milestone 4: Identification of suitable high priority project interventions and selected smallholders for training and demonstration units and estimation of potential physical and financial impacts "

High-priority projects include (and prove the corresponding figure): • Amendment and introduce improved housing to improve the ventilation system, temperature control and cleaning cages and pigs; o Many buildings with inadequate ventilation system with no cross ventilation can. Although some of the buildings can be renovated to achieve a satisfactory level, the best alternative is for farmers to build a new construction with input pig designed by Vietnamese scientists. | Milestone 4 Identification of suitable high priority project interventions and selected smallholders for training and demonstration units and estimation of potential physical and financial impacts 1 High priority project interventions include and corresponding figures demonstrate Modification and introduction of improvements to housing to improve ventilation temperature control and hygiene in pig sheds o Many buildings have insufficient ventilation with no cross ventilation possible. Although some of these buildings could be renovated to reach a satisfactory level the best alternative would be for the farmer to build a new building for pigs with input into the design by Vietnamese Scientists. Figure 1. Improved shed design. This new building has improved ventilation and hygiene and has been elevated to account for seasonal flooding in the area. o While a number of buildings were well designed with good cross ventilation the side openings were covered with plastic blinds or covers. In many of the farms it appeared to be very labour intensive to open and close them all the time. Simple systems to quickly raise or lower blinds 1 can be introduced. In many farms with low lying rooves a ceiling fan may also improve air quality and heat index. o A number of buildings had ridge vents which appear to work well and give the farmer more options in controlling inside temperatures. o Roofing material-tiles appear to be the best with thatched material the next best and iron the worst option. One shed had an iron roof covered with thatch and this seemed to work well. Whether this will reduce the life span of the iron is unknown. Figure 2. Ridge vents and a fibro roof. Fibro roofing material provides very good insulation against heat and is readily available so was used on many of the new sheds. Ridge vents were also installed on some farms and provide very good ventilation. o Many buildings have poor standard of hygiene associated with poor ventilation and wet floors. Daily .