tailieunhanh - Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Technical and economic feasibility of applying the Better Management Practices (BMP) to household aquaculture in Vietnam " MS4

Hộ gia đình ven biển nuôi trồng thủy sản, khác nhau, diện tích từ 0,5 ha đến 3 ha, sản xuất 90% sản lượng tôm nuôi ở Việt Nam, trị giá $ 1 tỷ USD trong năm 2004. Khả năng phát triển kinh tế và tính bền vững môi trường của các trang trại trong lĩnh vực này đang bị đe dọa bởi các tập quán canh tác kém dẫn đến bùng phát dịch bệnh, suy thoái môi trường, cây trồng bị ô nhiễm với hóa chất và dư lượng kháng sinh và sản lượng giảm. Qui mô thử nghiệm. | Ministry of Agriculture Rural Development Australian Government AusAID CARD Project Progress Report 002 05 VIE Technical and economic feasibility of applying the Better Management Practices BMP to household aquaculture in Vietnam MS4 FIRST SIX-MONTHLY REPORT February 2007 1 1. Institute Information Project Name Technical and economic feasibility of applying the Better Management Practices BMP to household aquaculture in Vietnam Vietnamese Institution Research Institute for Aquaculture Vietnamese Project Team Leader Dr. Le Xan Australian Organisation The University of Western Australia UWA Australian Personnel Dr. Steven Schilizzi Date commenced January 2006 Completion date original December 2007 Date commenced revised August 2006 Completion date revised December 2008 Reporting period First Six Monthly Contact Officer s In Australia Team Leader Name Dr. Steven Schilizzi Telephone 61 8 6488 2105 Position Senior lecturer Fax 61 8 6488 1098 Organisation The University of Western Australia UWA Email schilizz@ or In Australia Administrative contact Name Position Organisation Telephone Fax Email In Vietnam Name Dr. Le Xan Telephone or Position Vice Director Fax Organisation Research Institute for Aquaculture Email lexancb@ or 1 2. Project Abstract Household coastal aquaculture farms ranging in area between ha and 3 ha produce 90 of the output of farmed shrimp from in Vietnam worth USD 1 billion in 2004. The economic viability and environmental sustainability of farms in this sector are threatened by poor farming practices that lead to disease outbreaks environmental degradation crops contaminated with chemical and antibiotic residues and decreased yields. Pilot-scale Better Management Practices BMP can and have been applied to large commercial aquaculture ventures in Vietnam with outcomes of improved yields and quality environmental sustainability and