ADOBE INDESIGN CS2 REVEALED- P24:Welcome to Adobe InDesign CS2—Revealed. This book offers creative projects, concise instructions, and complete coverage of basic to advanced InDesign skills, helping you to create polished, professional-looking layouts. Use this book as you learn InDesign, and then use it later as your own reference guide. | FIGURE 41 Applying alternating fills Apply fills to a table 1. Position the pointer over the top-left corner of the table so that a black diagonal arrow appears then click once to select the entire table. 2. Click Table on the menu bar point to Table Options then click Alternating Fills. 3. Click the Alternating Pattern list arrow then click Every Other Row. 4. Click the first Color list arrow on the left side of the dialog box click Black type 20 in the Tint text box if necessary then click OK. 5. Click the pasteboard to deselect all then compare your table to Figure 41. 6. Select the entire top row click Table on the menu bar point to Cell Options then click FIGURE 42 Changing the fill color of the first row Strokes and Fills. 7 Click the Color list arrow in the Cell Fill sec- tion of the dialog box click Red type 100 in the Tint text box then click OK. 8. Click the pasteboard to deselect all then compare your table to Figure 42. You applied a fill to three rows simultaneously by using the Alternating Fills command. You then changed the fill color of the first row. Lesson 2 Create and Format a Table INDESIGN 9-21 LESSON 3 FORMAT TEXT IN A TABLE What You ll Do In this lesson you will explore options for formatting and positioning text within tables. Entering Text in a Table Because InDesign regards tables as text tables are always in text frames entering text in a table is simple and straightforward. With the Type Tool selected simply click in a cell and begin typing. Press Tab to move from column to column. You can also use the arrow keys to move from cell to cell in any direction. You can select text in a cell and modify it using the features in the Character palette just as you would in a regular text frame. When you enter text in a cell by default it is aligned to the left edge of the cell. You can select the text and change its alignment center it justify it etc. using the alignment buttons in the Paragraph palette. By default text that you enter in a cell is