tailieunhanh - Bioremediation of Relcalcitrant Compounds - Chapter 8 (end)

Trong quá trình của dự án CU-720, các nhà nghiên cứu và kỹ sư trong Liên bang Consortium Biotreatment tích hợp nghiên cứu (FIBRC) thực hiện cơ bản nghiên cứu và phát triển các quá trình điều trị, nhiều trong số đó đã được thu nhỏ thực hiện thí điểm quy mô, lĩnh vực. Trong quá trình làm việc này, một số vấn đề nghiên cứu và phát triển được xác định là xứng đáng theo dõi nhưng không theo đuổi đến một mong muốn để di chuyển công nghệ với tiềm năng nhất với quy mô thí điểm, lĩnh vực. Các vấn đề sau đây xác. | chapter eight Future needs for research and development Jeffrey W. Talley Contents Polycyclic aromatic Chlorinated Polychlorinated Introduction During the course of project CU-720 researchers and engineers in Federal Integrated Biotreatment Research Consortium FIBRC conducted basic research and developed treatment processes many of which were scaled up to pilot- or field-scale implementation. In the course of this work a number of research and developmental issues were identified as worthy of following up but were not pursued due to a desire to move the technology with the most potential to the pilot or field scale. The following issues were identified in each of the thrust areas as frontiers of science and technology in bioremediation. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons In theory soils contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHs may be treated utilizing various cleanup strategies. However many proposed strategies have significant economic and feasibility problems. What is needed is an effective technology that supports the economics of disposal eliminates adverse contaminant impacts and supports the reuse of treated contaminated soils. Regardless of whether the biotreatment system is passive 301 2006 by Taylor Francis Group LLC 302 Bioremediation of Recalcitrant Compounds augmented natural attenuation or engineered in-place treatment a pragmatic solution is to focus active biotreatment on the available contaminant fraction. Research is needed to identify the factors affecting the bioavailability of PAHs on soil and how these factors affect treatment rates and acceptable toxicological endpoints. Research is then needed to use the bioavailability information to develop a technical base for enhancing natural recovery processes involved in in situ biotreatment of PAH-contaminated soils. Such research could result in providing guidelines for the assessment and prediction of .