tailieunhanh - Waste Treatment in the Food Processing Industry - Chapter 6

Trong hai thập kỷ qua, ngành công nghiệp khoai tây đã có kinh nghiệm phát triển nhanh chóng trên toàn thế giới, kèm theo một sự gia tăng đáng kinh ngạc trong số lượng nước sản xuất. Người ta ước tính rằng ngành công nghiệp khoai tây của Mỹ một mình tạo ra khoảng 1,3 Â 109 kg chất thải mỗi năm [1]. Khối lượng lớn nước thải và chất thải hữu cơ được tạo ra trong chế biến khoai tây như là kết quả của các nước được sử dụng trong rửa, gọt vỏ, và các hoạt động xử. | 6 Potato Wastewater Treatment Yung-Tse Hung and Howard H. Lo Cleveland State University Cleveland Ohio . Adel Awad and Hana Salman Tishreen University Lattakia Syria INTRODUCTION In the past two decades the potato industry has experienced rapid growth worldwide accompanied by a staggering increase in the amount of water produced. It is estimated that the US potato industry alone generates about X 109 kg of wastes each year 1 . Large volumes of wastewater and organic wastes are generated in potato processing as result of the water used in washing peeling and additional processing operations. The potato industry is well known for the vast quantities of organic wastes it generates. Treatment of industrial effluents to remove organic materials however often changes many other harmful waste characteristics. Proper treatment of potato processing wastewaters is necessary to minimize their undesirable impact on the environment. Currently there is an increasing demand for quality improvement of water resources in parallel with the demand for better finished products. These requirements have obliged the potato industry to develop methods for providing effective removal of settleable and dissolved solids from potato processing wastewater in order to meet national water quality limits. In addition improvement and research have been devoted to the reduction of wastes and utilization of recovered wastes as byproducts. This chapter discusses a the various potato processing types and steps including their sources of wastewaters b characteristics of these wastewaters c treatment methods in detail with relevant case studies and some design examples and d byproduct usage. POTATO PROCESSING AND SOURCES OF WASTEWATER High-quality raw potatoes are important to potato processing. Potato quality affects the final product and the amount of waste produced. Generally potatoes with high solid content low 193 2006 by Taylor Francis Group LLC 194 Hung et al. reducing sugar .