tailieunhanh - Waste Treatment in the Food Processing Industry - Chapter 5

Khai thác và sử dụng dầu ô liu có liên quan đến văn hóa và lịch sử Địa Trung Hải từ năm 4000 TCN. Một vài thuật ngữ sử dụng ngày nay là lời nhắc nhở của di sản cổ đại. Ví dụ, olea Latin từ (dầu) và olivum (olive) được bắt nguồn từ elaia từ tiếng Hy Lạp. Là một lưu ý chế độ ăn uống, dầu ô liu là cao về dinh dưỡng, và dường như đã tác động tích cực trong việc phòng ngừa và giảm các vấn đề mạch máu, huyết áp cao, xơ cứng động. | 5 Olive Oil Waste Treatment Adel Awad and Hana Salman Tishreen University Lattakia Syria Yung-Tse Hung Cleveland State University Cleveland Ohio . INTRODUCTION The extraction and use of olive oil has been linked to Mediterranean culture and history since 4000 BC. Several terms used today are reminders of this ancient heritage. For example the Latin words olea oil and olivum olive were derived from the Greek word elaia. As a dietary note olive oil is high in nutrition and appears to have positive effects in the prevention and reduction of vascular problems high blood pressure arteriosclerosis thrombosis and even some types of cancer 1 . The social and economic importance of the olive production sector may be observed by considering some representative data. In the European Union EU there are about 2 million companies related to olives and olive oil. Worldwide olive oil production is about million tons per year 78 about million tons of which are produced in the EU main producers Spain Greece and Italy . Other main producers are Turkey 190 000 tons Tunisia 170 000 tons Syria 110 000 tons and Morocco 70 000 tons . More than 95 of the world s olives are harvested in the Mediterranean region. In Spain alone more than 200 million olive trees out of the total world number of 800 million are cultivated on an area of approximately million ha. Within Spain 130 million olive trees are found in Andalusia where about 15 of the total arable land is used for olive cultivation 2 . According to the FAOSTAT database 3 the total waste generated by olive oil production worldwide in 1998 was million tons 80 of which was generated in the EU and 20 generated in other countries. In Spain the top olive oil producer the generated waste in 1998 alone was million tons or about 36 of the waste generated worldwide. Approximately 20 million tons of fresh water are required for olive oil production in the Mediterranean area resulting in up to 30 million tons of .