ADOBE INDESIGN CS2 REVEALED- P4:Welcome to Adobe InDesign CS2—Revealed. This book offers creative projects, concise instructions, and complete coverage of basic to advanced InDesign skills, helping you to create polished, professional-looking layouts. Use this book as you learn InDesign, and then use it later as your own reference guide. | FIGURE 27 Navigator palette showing all spreads Palette list arrow 5. Drag the View box in the Navigator palette to scroll around the page. 6. Click the Zoom Out button five times. The magnification is reduced to 125 . 7. Click the Navigator palette list arrow then click View All Spreads. The palette now shows all spreads as shown in Figure 27. 8. Close Dessert . You used the Navigator palette to enlarge and reduce the view of the document and to scroll around the document. Lesson 3 Navigate Through a Document INDESIGN 1-21 LESSON 4 USE INDESIGN HEl What You ll Do In this lesson you will access help using the Adobe Help Center. Accessing InDesign Help Help At some point we all need it. When you do you can use it to search for answers to your questions using the InDesign Help command on the Help menu. InDesign Help is an online resource. When you click InDesign Help the Adobe Help Center window opens showing the Adobe InDesign CS2 page as shown in Figure 28. You can also access help for Adobe Illustrator CS2 and Adobe Photoshop CS2 from this window. Click the View Help info for this product list arrow then choose the product you d like help with. This site contains all the information in the user guide plus keyboard shortcuts and additional information. _P QUII TIP The Help menu also contains commands for registering your software finding out if there are any updates to the software and viewing the InDesign page of the Adobe Systems Web site. The Online Support command brings you to the support page for InDesign where you can read about top issues and access tutorials forums and announcements. You can find information quickly by conducting a search using keywords. To do so type your keyword s into the text box at the top of the window then click Search. Searching for information this way is more powerful than using a software manual. INDESIGN 1-22 Exploring the InDesign Workspace The Web site offers you the power to do much broader searches and to view a .